This Will Never Work

From The Kardashians To Sleeping Naked. How Did We Get Here?

Lincoln Season 1 Episode 16

It's episode 16 and we're coming out swinging! We've got Kim and Kanye drama. We've got Pete Davidson stuff. We've got Euphoria Corner. But that's not all. There is also a healthy amount of naked sleep talk to be had. 

A-bomb also fills us in on a TMI story that happened to him the morning of recording. Lincoln wants to wake up on Mars, once Daddy Elon figures out how to get us there.

We also want to thank everyone who has listened, watched, downloaded, etc. the podcast over the last little while. Your support means the world to us and allows us to continue producing the show. Please share and tell your friends about us as much as possible, as we really want this to continue in a big way. 

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